Saturday, June 22, 2019

Examples of Art and the Historical Aspects They Give Article - 1

Examples of Art and the Historical Aspects They Give - Article ExampleThe present research has identified that the Magenta, Black, Green on Orange painting expressed une cunninghly experiences that Rothko had during the painting. People who viewed the paint experienced the same feelings. This was evident as some people would even cry when they viewed the painting. It shows deep emotions that manifested when man faced certain circumstances. Martha Knowles and doubting Thomas Henriettas painting of my sweet sister Emma is a piece of art that has used warm colors to give a warm feeling. This piece of art is slightly similar to Rothkos art, in that they both used blocks of color, which seems to give almost the same visual effects. Emma received this piece of art as a gift for her wedding. This piece shows warmth that families share. This piece moves from one family member to another over time that is from one generation to another. This has the effect of spreading love and unfluctuatin g family bonds. The piece also shows how people interacted back in history and how strong bonds of love and family warmth took place. The picture displays exceedingly strong bonds that are evident in human life. Michelangelo Buonarroti is a painting, well known as Doni Tondo. The painting has a wooden frame that is magnificent. It has five heads that symbolize Jesus, two sables and two prophets. The frame is a symbol of court of arms of the Strozzi and Doni families. The piece of painting demonstrates Mary taking up Jesus from Joseph. On the background, John, the Baptist appears. This painting shows a transition from the times of paganism. It demonstrates primaeval Christianity. The painting primarily features the holy family. The painting shows the humans salvation and mortality. It shows Jesus as the Christ and the way humans look up to Him for salvation.

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